
Dimensions of Originality:Essays on Seventeenth-Century Chinese Art Theory and Criticism當紅

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Dimensions of Originality:Essays on Seventeenth-Century Chinese Art Theory and Criticism當紅 好書推薦 博客來網路書店歡迎您


Dimensions of Originality:Essays on Seventeenth-Century Chinese Art Theory and Criticism當紅 開箱文 博客來網路書店

內容簡介: 博客來博客來書店Dimensions of Originality investigates the issue of conceptual originality in art criticism of the seventeenth century, a period in which China dynamically reinvented itself. In art criticism, the term which was called upon to indicate conceptual originality more than any other was qi 奇, literally, 'different'; but secondarily, 'odd,' like a number and by extension, 'the novel,' and 'extraordinary.' This work finds that originality, expressed through visual difference, was a paradigmatic concern of both artists and critics. Burnett speculates on why many have dismissed originality as a possible 'traditional Chinese' value, and the ramifications this has had on art historical understanding. She further demonstrates that a study of individual key terms can reveal social and cultural values and provides a linear history of the increase in critical use of qi as 'originality' from the fifth through the seventeenth centuries, exploring what originality looks like in artworks by members of the gentry elite and commoner classes


KATHARINE P. BURNETT is Associate Professor of Art History at the University of California, Davis where she specializes in Chinese art and culture

Dimensions of Originality:Essays on Seventeenth-Century Chinese Art Theory and Criticism當紅 好書推薦 博客來網路書店

  • 出版社:香港中文大學    新功能介紹
  • 出版日期:2013/04/01
  • 語言:英文

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Dimensions of Originality:Essays on Seventeenth-Century Chinese Art Theory and Criticism當紅

Dimensions of Originality:Essays on Seventeenth-Century Chinese Art Theory and Criticism當紅推薦,Dimensions of Originality:Essays on Seventeenth-Century Chinese Art Theory and Criticism當紅討論Dimensions of Originality:Essays on Seventeenth-Century Chinese Art Theory and Criticism當紅比較評比,Dimensions of Originality:Essays on Seventeenth-Century Chinese Art Theory and Criticism當紅開箱文,Dimensions of Originality:Essays on Seventeenth-Century Chinese Art Theory and Criticism當紅部落客
Dimensions of Originality:Essays on Seventeenth-Century Chinese Art Theory and Criticism當紅
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Dimensions of Originality:Essays on Seventeenth-Century Chinese Art Theory and Criticism當紅


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